Soooooo... Last 28th December, I decide to gathering with my junior high school friends, my gank hehehe :)) And, it was fun. Even though it rains, but we keep going on. It's cool, isn't it? B)
30 December 2010
Kumpul Bocah
Congratulation Malaysia as the winner of the champion. And congratulation Indonesia, as the winner of the game, as the most sportive fans and especially for Firman Utina as the most valuable player [MVP] and the best captain for our team :)) Now, let's say thanks to Alfred Riedl as the coach, cause he had a very good discipline to the players and indirectly, he makes all people from another race and religion to come together and speak up for our team. Thanks for all players (BP, Irfan, Okto, Gonzales, Bustomi, Ridwan, Maman, Nasuha, Eka, Hamka, Yongki, Markus, dll).. You've been doing your best! Two thumbs up! :))
Garuda, you're still in my heart.
Garuda, you're still in my heart.
28 December 2010
Still in Christmas, 25th December there's family gathering in my granny's house and it was so fun! Yeah, all came and we chatted together :) My granny cooked some foods and all of them so delicious :9 . Here are some photos from me and my cousins who has some age with me :p
27 December 2010
25 December 2010
Frohe Weihnachten!!
23 December 2010
Yeay!!! Long time no see my Buffy♥, finally, I spend my time with him today :) . 12.00 p.m, he pick me up at my house, and we're heading to Citos. Arrived at Citos, we meet my superb-friend, Agatha and her BoyF, Noel. We watch Tron Legacy (Sam Flynn looks so damn cool and hawt! Speechless♥) and I'm looking for christmas gift for my Mom♥. Yeaaaah, too much silly things we do. Hahaha.. But most of all, I ♥ today, even though traffic jam hit us (me and my Buffy♥). Now, he already sleep. Guten nacht, Buffy♥. Thanks a lot for this beautiful day♥♥. You made my day. Thanks a lot too, Agatha and Noel! Longlast!!
Happy 2nd Monthversary♥
Happy 2nd Monthversary♥
For all Mom around the world, our Mother nature and all of feminine energy... It's your day! Happy Mother's day! Even though too much mistakes I made, but I don't mean to hurt you. ♥♥ you so much, my super♥hero :)

"When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change.
Cause you're amazing, just the way you are.
And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile.
Cause girl you're amazing, just the way you are."
- Bruno Mars, Just The Way You Are -
19 December 2010
My score is not too good, but not too bad too (?). But I'm lost. I can't reach top ten at my class :( . Next semester, eventhough there's no top ten again, my score MUST be better! Okay, forget it all. Now, holiday's time. No planning. But I'm looking for Christmas present. And I wanna watch some good movies.
So now, happy holiday guys! Enjoy your holiday! :D
My score is not too good, but not too bad too (?). But I'm lost. I can't reach top ten at my class :( . Next semester, eventhough there's no top ten again, my score MUST be better! Okay, forget it all. Now, holiday's time. No planning. But I'm looking for Christmas present. And I wanna watch some good movies.
So now, happy holiday guys! Enjoy your holiday! :D
15 December 2010
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