Thanks Lord, for all things that You gave to me. Thanks especially for Your blesses and protects as long as I live. Now I reach 17 and all of it cause of You! Next, thankyou my Mom! My best partner in my life. Best supporter, best role-mode, best best best of anything! I love love you most :* I'm getting older mom :p but I'm still your little cutie daughter, soulmate and friends. And last, thankyou so much my friends!! For all wishes and greetings <3 I really love you all! Thankyou bitches, thankyou boyfriend, thankyou followers, thankyou school's mate, thankyou facebook's friends, and thankyou my idol! :D Here are some special things, special greets and other in my sweet seventeen... :)

(maaf udah ada bagian yang dimakan :p)

And another capture of greetings and wishes, click here