Before I tell about my day, I wanna say... Dirgahayu Djakarta ! Hihi telat sehari ya but no prob, masih belom basi :) dan dalam rangka memperingati ultah Jakarta, gue, mama dan 3 teman mama pun berangkat ke salah satu event tahunan yang hanya digelar saat Jakarta berulang tahun... Jakarta Fair! That's right, baby. Berangkat dari rumah jam setengah 3 menuju Tamini Square, karena disitu mama janjian buat ketemuan dan berangkat bareng-bareng. And last setelah semua kumpul kita pun segera meluncur menuju Kemayoran, tempat Jakarta Fair diadakan. Wihiiy sedikit padat merayap dijalan tol but it's okay, di mobil berhubung i'm little one so i just listen music from my phone sementara ibu-ibu bergosip ria. And finally, thanks God, we arrived at Jakarta Fair...
04.00 p.m

Akhirnya kita masuk Jakarta Fair... It's awesome! Semua ada disini, dari makanan, otomotif, helm, handphone, furniture semuanya lengkap. Kewl! Dan belum juga jalan jauh, udah borong American Donuts, trus makan di resto yang ada voucher nya hihi, next, ngadem di Hall D sambil cuci mata, shopping too...

Fiuuhh, ternyata capek juga ya padahal belom semuanya diliat, karena ketidaksanggupan kaki-kaki kita pun akhirnya memutuskan untuk move on from PRJ dan dinner di Dapur Solo, Sunter...
06.00 p.m

We decide to dinner at Dapur Solo, upon Tante Menik's recommendation... And it was very tasty (: hmmm yuuuummmm-me!

ps. thanks Tante Mirella for the dinner :))

Yeah! I'm full enough and last we go back to home :) wiiyy really say thanks for my mom and her fellas.. Oke, sampai dirumah I've got surprise! Hehehe it comes from Tante Anita, she gives me birthday present (it's too late tante, but no problem, thankyousomuchos auntie)... and she gives birthday present for my mom too (my mom's birthday on June, 20th 2010)... And i really like my birthday present! As if she could read my mind, she gives me jackets! Hohoho and I take some picts with the jacket :*