Hey, suddenly, I wanna share a little pieces of my mind.
All people asked: What's LOVE?
Sure, I can't answer it. One side, Love can be a precious things, but from the other side, it can be a stupid things, a suck things too. It's complicated. All people can falling in love with everyone, it's no a mistake. But, if two people falling in love with a same guy/girl? Is it a mistake? Is it just an unintentional coincidence? No, it's not a mistake. Once again, (bold it and remember): all people can falling in love with everyone so if there's two people falling in love with a same guy/girl, it's not a mistake but it'll be take some risks. Risk? What I mean with "RISK" is like some wise people said, there will be one who left in the cold and one who left in the warm.
Yeah, there will be one who left in the cold and one who left in the warm.
So, it's complicated, alright?
Just let your heart gives their own answer about LOVE :)