So I follow the quiz from and if I am the winner, I'll get TWO PAIRS of Shoezisme! Yeah! One pair from their new collection and one pair I like. It's fantastic. And they have special gift for the winner too. Uuuu, I'm so excited! So I wanna share my favorite pair and I wish I could be the lucky winner ;)
14 May 2011
12 May 2011
Keep rockin', keep cool and keep awesome!
By the way, we have same date of birthday!
YEAH! Best wishes for you, Cory! Love ya! <3

By the way, we have same date of birthday!
YEAH! Best wishes for you, Cory! Love ya! <3
10 May 2011
Thanks Lord, for all things that You gave to me. Thanks especially for Your blesses and protects as long as I live. Now I reach 17 and all of it cause of You! Next, thankyou my Mom! My best partner in my life. Best supporter, best role-mode, best best best of anything! I love love you most :* I'm getting older mom :p but I'm still your little cutie daughter, soulmate and friends. And last, thankyou so much my friends!! For all wishes and greetings <3 I really love you all! Thankyou bitches, thankyou boyfriend, thankyou followers, thankyou school's mate, thankyou facebook's friends, and thankyou my idol! :D Here are some special things, special greets and other in my sweet seventeen... :)

(maaf udah ada bagian yang dimakan :p)

And another capture of greetings and wishes, click here
07 May 2011
06 May 2011
Too many things happened when my modem getting trouble, so now I'm trying to tell to you all with all picts I have... :)

Apr 3rd 2011. Here we are, the new Katekisan :)
Me, Elita, Devi, Claudia, Ines, Egi, Yuli, Mega

I forgot about the date (so sorry) but we are mini choir :)
We sang two songs for Ka Eka's Wedding Day at our Church
The last photo is me and Glory
Glory, Daniel and Me
We ready to sing, we ready to praise the Lord :)
Left to Right
Ka Alfira, Ka Nova, Ka Sandra, Ka Rina and Me

My animal class, my safari class, my last-est class :')

With a half of my friends
With Anggun
With Cindy and SF
Plus Patricia ;) we are XD-ers at XII Soc 1

The Girls!
Me, Glory, Stephanie, Cindy, Deanni, Jupe, Anggun, Patricia, Windy
with the Boys! (left to right)
Suno, Anto, Me, SF, Billy
with our HeadMaster, Pak Tris :)
with our Geography's teacher, Pak Hanung :)
I'm gonna miss the way he taught me about Geography :)
Me and Glory, playing Tap Tap Revenge ;)
And it's me, using Batik Uniform
As my last-est day using this uniform at my high school :')

Me, Elita, Devi, Claudia, Ines, Egi, Yuli, Mega

We sang two songs for Ka Eka's Wedding Day at our Church
The last photo is me and Glory

Ka Alfira, Ka Nova, Ka Sandra, Ka Rina and Me

My animal class, my safari class, my last-est class :')

Me, Glory, Stephanie, Cindy, Deanni, Jupe, Anggun, Patricia, Windy

Suno, Anto, Me, SF, Billy

I'm gonna miss the way he taught me about Geography :)

As my last-est day using this uniform at my high school :')
05 May 2011
You'll never ever realize, if there's someone who's put her eyes on you, watching you, try to know you more and she loves you just the way you are.
03 May 2011
Go(w)es to Kota Wisata
Sebelum gue bercerita sesuai judul, sebelumnya gue menghandle sebuah event yang cukup besar bagi gue, karena pesertanya dari yang muda sampai yang tua-tua. Nama acaranya gerak jalan. Emang kedengerannya biasa banget. Apalagi pesertanya nggak nyampe ratusan kayak konsernya om Adrie. Tapi tetep aja, yang namanya dikasih kepercayaan tentu kita harus bisa jaga kepercayaan itu dengan baik. Gue bekerja dengan sangat hati-hati. Partner gue Claudia. Dia PIC (Person in Change) dari acara ini. Sementara gue? Bisa dibilang Co PIC. Misalkan Claudia nggak bisa, gue lah yang turun tangan. Dan sebaliknya. Biasanya gue banyak kerja dibalik layar, sementara dia yang bakal cerocos di waktu rapat. Begitulah. Kita kerja dengan mendetail. Tapi tetep aja, nggak ada yang sempurna didunia ini. Kate William menikah pun nggak sempurna. Konon katanya blush on Kate ketebelan (okeh, out of topic). Hehehehe, begitulah dengan tugas ini. H-1 itu PANIKNYA LUAR BIASA. Kacau. Bah. H-7 rasanya mau mati. Seminggu sebelum acara sampe sehari sebelum acara kerjaannya gue bolak balik gereja. Entah latihan buat tanggal 30 malem (kebetulan ada acara malam puji-pujian dan saya yang jadi pemusik + pengisi acara), atau kerjain kerjaan buat tanggal 30 pagi (acara gerak jalan). Tapi, gue tidak mau jadi orang pengeluh. Acaranya udah lewat. Walaupun sempet chaos diawal, tapi gue bersyukur semua seneng. Apalagi orang-orang yang kebagian doorprize. Semua wajahnya sumringah. Jelas, semua bisa bawa pulang bubur ayam gratis :D . Jadi, walaupun kerjanya sempet amburadul, tapi gue puas dengan acaranya. Yes, gue berhasil untuk menghandle acara. Ternyata, susah susah gampang. Seneng seneng nyebelin.
Tanggal 1 Mei, gue memutuskan untuk GOWESSSSSS . Alias SEPEDA-an. Kayak lagu RAN aja gitu. Bukan buat gaya, sebenernya gue sangat ingin gowes dari kapan tau tapi gue males, ngga ada temen. Dan akhirnya ada Mbak Ratih yang bisa jadi partner. Dan rencana kita untuk gowes sampe Kota Wisata pun... BERHASIL. Dengan perjuangan berat, dari rumah gue didaerah Cimanggis gue gowes ke Kota Wisata lewat jalan alternatif. Seru!!!! Ketemu banyak bikers. Ada yang dari Cijantung. Sempet mau nyerah pas ditanjakan karena gue sempet deg-degan parah sampe sesak nafas. Tapi gue lanjutin terus. Pelan-pelan tapi pasti. Yup, gue sampe kotwis. Gue sampe sekolah gue tercinta dengan GOWES. Senang banget rasanya puas. Ini dia foto keberhasilan gue.
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